This site designed and maintained by Adlantic Advertising & Design 2005

All High Point Group promotional events are designed to be more than a sale. The High Point Group Events are all memorable. They are remembered as much for the promotion as they are the revenue they produce. The Event for your store will be a detailed custom promotion that will be unique to you and your business. We know the bottom line is producing substantial earnings in the shortest amount of time. We are also very much aware of your reputation in the industry. With that mind, the HPG events are well thought out creative campaigns that cover all the bases.

*HPG Industry professionals are dispatched to your stores to implement our comprehensive program. Employing a team approach, our professionals quickly and accurately develop strategies and then provide immediate operational relief.

*Markets are analyzed and promotional plans are created to maximize customer response. Highly effective advertising campaigns are created by allocating advertising dollars to the appropriate mediums. The most favorable media rates are negotiated by our media buying experts and all savings are passed onto the sale.

*When permitted, HPG will merchandise client's stores to maximize the sale event's potential. Always complimenting a client's current merchandise mix, HPG will choose from a broad array of the industry's most current and respected manufacturers and suppliers from around the world.

*HPG works closely with store employees during the sale promotion to ensure that they have gainful employment during the event. When needed, HPG allows flexibility in their schedules so they may pursue future employment.